15 March 2025
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Як вести облік та нараховувати зарплатню працівникам ОМС, які тривалий час не з’являються на робочому місці - роз'яснення Як вести облік та нараховувати зарплатню працівникам ОМС, які тривалий час не з’являються на робочому місці - роз'яснення
Чи включаються простій, відпустка, військова служба до строку для присвоєння рангу посадовій особі місцевого самоврядування - роз'яснення НАДС Чи включаються простій, відпустка, військова служба до строку для присвоєння рангу посадовій особі місцевого самоврядування - роз'яснення НАДС
How to calculate work experience in local self–government bodies How to calculate work experience in local self–government bodies
On «deputy guarantees» and average salary payment from the local budget On «deputy guarantees» and average salary payment from the local budget
Clarification of certain issues of starostas appointment, authorities and status Clarification of certain issues of starostas appointment, authorities and status
On terminating powers of persons, holding elective offices at AHs before the Law comes into force (bill № 3651-d) On terminating powers of persons, holding elective offices at AHs before the Law comes into force (bill № 3651-d)
The first steps for the newly elected local councils to take: a set of consultative materials The first steps for the newly elected local councils to take: a set of consultative materials
Secondary employment and positions overlapping at local self-government bodies: generalising clarifications Secondary employment and positions overlapping at local self-government bodies: generalising clarifications
The local council deputy withdraws from a mandate: Are the elections necessary again? The local council deputy withdraws from a mandate: Are the elections necessary again?
The age limit for those holding the office of a starosta in local self-government bodies The age limit for those holding the office of a starosta in local self-government bodies
Labour rights of local self-government body employees during the quarantine – a briefing Labour rights of local self-government body employees during the quarantine – a briefing
Personnel management of hromada’s financial authority: experts prepared draft documents Personnel management of hromada’s financial authority: experts prepared draft documents
Methodological manual “Local Self-Government’s Control over Compliance with Labour Law” from AUC Methodological manual “Local Self-Government’s Control over Compliance with Labour Law” from AUC
Enrollment and dismissal from service in local self-government bodies (guidelines and document samples) Enrollment and dismissal from service in local self-government bodies (guidelines and document samples)
Guarantees for employment and dismissal of pregnant women and mothers – explanations for local self-governments Guarantees for employment and dismissal of pregnant women and mothers – explanations for local self-governments