19 March 2025
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Education Sector
Education Sector

Education Sector


The decentralisation process is going on in Ukraine. Creating the function of administration of education is one of the greatest challenges for the amalgamated territorial communities in the course of this process. Prior to the amalgamation of communities, the education in villages and towns was administered by Education Departments at the Rayon (District) State Administrations comprising an element of the top-down command structure of executive power in the area of education. Functions of executive bodies of village and town councils in the area of education were minimal and included the implementation of minor tasks pertaining to the procurement of services for schools (for instance, arranging for transportation of school-children).

Unlike District State Administrations, the bodies of local self-government in the amalgamated communities are independent and have all powers, including in the area of administration of education. However, their institutional weakness is a significant challenge complicated by the fact that the process of amalgamation of administrative units is implemented in rural regions of Ukraine.

Consequently, the bodies of local self-government virtually in all amalgamated communities, along with the receipt of budgetary incentives and managerial powers, will have to take on a difficult task and assume responsibility for the creation of efficient administration of the education system in their communities. In view of the aforesaid, please see the information materials that will be helpful in the solution of this issue.

Please note that the information is updated on a continuous basis.

You can find answers to the most urgent questions with respect to the decentralisation in the area of education HERE
