21 March 2025
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Culture development within decentralisation


In the process of decentralisation, local authorities received large powers and resources. At the same time, the local self-government took over a huge responsibility for improving the quality of life of people and complex development of thehromada, including cultural sector.

Decentralisation has increased the role of local culture in the life of each hromada. Cultural features of the territory are increasingly perceived as a valuable hromada’s treasure, as opportunities for the development of traditions, tourism, crafts, and hence – economy.

At the same time, decentralisation has become a challenge for many cultural institutions, since local authorities face the questions of what format these institutions should continue functioning in, and what services they should provide to people in order to be most useful to the hromada.

The “Culture” section will feature changes in the cultural and artistic life of hromadas, successful examples of cultural development and creative industries in cities and villages, as well as the main changes in the state cultural policy in terms of decentralisation.
