Decentralisation of power is already noticeably changing our country and the post-Soviet system of governance. The transfer of new powers and financial resources to the ground allowed to increase hromadas’ capability. They become stronger and more successful.
At the same time, the economic, educational, cultural, sports development of the Ukrainian cities, urban-type settlements and villages depends to a large extent on the youth – responsible, mindful, patriotic and involved in administrative processes people.
In Ukraine there are currently more than 11.5 million young people between 14 and 35 years of age, i.e. 27% of the population. Though, unfortunately, many young and skilled specialists often leave hromadas and the country itselt in search of work and better life, and these negative processes continue. That is why it is important for local hromadas to set up a system of incentives to stop the migration of young people from small settlements already at the stage of amalgamation.
Undoubtedly, the issues of construction, repair or reconstruction of schools, hospitals, roads in hromadas are of a high priority, but implementation of these infrastructure projects should be based around a central goal – whom they are intended for and who will give them a sense of purpose.
According to the results of an all-Ukrainian sociological study “Youth of Ukraine – 2017” conducted at the request of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, almost 47% of young people living in AHs indicate that they do not experience change for the youth after hromadas’ establishment, over 35% believe that local authorities do not consider their opinions when making decisions.
It is important that 52% of young people are ready to personally engage in hromadas’ initiatives. And it is a significant indicator that young people want to change their lives and the lives of their hromadas.
Therefore, the youth policy within the frames of decentralisation is in fact the formation of a comfortable living environment for development and employment of the youth in hromadas – the environment that will allow young people to evolve on the ground, where they were born, where they live, where they want to live. The financial support and human resources provision, youth infrastructure development and youth involvement in the decision-making process are its priority components. Hromadas are responsible for solving these highly essential tasks along with receiving budget preferences and administrative powers.
We offer information and methodological materials to promote the implementation of effective youth policy in AHs for your consideration.
Website of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine