12 March 2025
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Державних службовців і посадових осіб місцевого самоврядування, що відповідальні за молодіжну політику, запрошують до участі в опитуванні Державних службовців і посадових осіб місцевого самоврядування, що відповідальні за молодіжну політику, запрошують до участі в опитуванні
Представників молодіжних консультативно-дорадчих органів України запрошують до участі в опитуванні Представників молодіжних консультативно-дорадчих органів України запрошують до участі в опитуванні
The Council of Europe supports decentralisation and good governance in Ukraine The Council of Europe supports decentralisation and good governance in Ukraine
Oleksii Chernyshov met with the President and the Secretary General of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe Oleksii Chernyshov met with the President and the Secretary General of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
MinRegion urged the Council of Europe to resume its project activities in Ukraine MinRegion urged the Council of Europe to resume its project activities in Ukraine
Andreas Kiefer's interview about decentralisation reform Andreas Kiefer's interview about decentralisation reform
The Ukrainian decentralization is a success story for the countries, not daring to make changes, - a representative of the Council of Europe The Ukrainian decentralization is a success story for the countries, not daring to make changes, - a representative of the Council of Europe
From 15% up to 80%: how decentralisation support and trust have risen for two years From 15% up to 80%: how decentralisation support and trust have risen for two years
Trainings on self-government and decentralisation will be launched in schools Trainings on self-government and decentralisation will be launched in schools
The conclusion concerning the bill on Kyiv made by the Council of Europe The conclusion concerning the bill on Kyiv made by the Council of Europe
HRM-ADVISOR for Local Self-Government Authorities: news releases HRM-ADVISOR for Local Self-Government Authorities: news releases
Council of Europe launches the HRM-Digest for local authorities Council of Europe launches the HRM-Digest for local authorities
The Council of Europe review of the practice of administrative supervision over the local self-government activity in certain countries The Council of Europe review of the practice of administrative supervision over the local self-government activity in certain countries
How to effectively manage human resources: the Chernihiv Regional Training Centre and the Council of Europe invite representatives of local authorities to the training on 11-12 March How to effectively manage human resources: the Chernihiv Regional Training Centre and the Council of Europe invite representatives of local authorities to the training on 11-12 March
The Council of Europe delegation is coming with a monitoring visit to Kyiv
The Council of Europe delegation is coming with a monitoring visit to Kyiv