On 11-12 March 2020 we invite the chairmanship and specialists of local authorities which deal with HRM to participate in the special short-term training program "Modern tools of human resources management in local authorities", which will be held at the Chernihiv Regional Training Centre with support of the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and local government reform in Ukraine”.
As a result of the training skills and knowledge of local officials on HRM legal framework and best practices will increased, their capacity to implement newly adopted legislation on professional training developed, awareness of the modern effective HRM procedures and tools used in amalgamated communities raised with the Council of Europe advice support. Its participants will receive the relevant practical consultations, teaching materials, possibilities for further networking as well as official certificates in the amount of 0.6 ECTS credits.
You could apply for the Training Programme here (tel. for consultations: 093-741-62-92, 097-869-60-05) or on the National Knowledge Management Portal (tel. for consultations: 050-543-20-05, 098-543-20-05)
Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and local government reform in Ukraine”
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