Council of Europe launches the HRM-Digest for local authorities

One of the priorities of the Council of Europe Programme on “Decentralisation and local government reform in Ukraine” is to support strengthening the capacity of local authorities in professional development of its appointed and elected representatives, particularly though consultative and advice tools.

We are launching a specialised Human Resources Management (HRM) Digest, consisting of a series of thematic publications for local authorities with tools (including drafts of local council decisions) and practical advice on how to effectively address and resolve the challenges of the local government service triggered by the decentralisation and local government reform taking into account Council of Europe standards and best practices.

The 1st HRM Digest is devoted to the issues of organisation of professional training for local appointed and elected representatives and contains guiding on how to organise professional training of local officials and councillors in the framework of the current legislation and decentralisation reform.

21.03.2020 - 15:20 | Views: 7849
Council of Europe launches the HRM-Digest for local authorities


study Council of Europe


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