15 March 2025
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U-LEAD запрошує до участі у новій Програмі підтримки «Розвиток системи громадського здоров’я в територіальній громаді» U-LEAD запрошує до участі у новій Програмі підтримки «Розвиток системи громадського здоров’я в територіальній громаді»
Масштабна ініціатива від U-LEAD допомагає у відновленні 100 постраждалим від війни громадам Масштабна ініціатива від U-LEAD допомагає у відновленні 100 постраждалим від війни громадам
U-LEAD with Europe is changing its visual style U-LEAD with Europe is changing its visual style
How to contribute to the local business development – the Danish municipality experience How to contribute to the local business development – the Danish municipality experience
U-LEAD’s International Expert Exchange conference “Empowering Municipalities” in quotes U-LEAD’s International Expert Exchange conference “Empowering Municipalities” in quotes
Own energy manager in hromada: energy saving in Merefyanska AH Own energy manager in hromada: energy saving in Merefyanska AH
European Union commits further €40 million to supporting Ukraine’s decentralisation reform European Union commits further €40 million to supporting Ukraine’s decentralisation reform
Oblasts’ participation status in Rounds 1 and 2 of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme on ASC establishment and modernisation Oblasts’ participation status in Rounds 1 and 2 of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme on ASC establishment and modernisation
“I am Hromada!”: new information campaign is launched in Ukraine to raise awareness of the essence of decentralisation “I am Hromada!”: new information campaign is launched in Ukraine to raise awareness of the essence of decentralisation
“Mountainous” or “highland”, or Why will sea level be considered in Zakarpattia Oblast? “Mountainous” or “highland”, or Why will sea level be considered in Zakarpattia Oblast?
U-LEAD launching a call to participate in a new initiative to improve local mobility services U-LEAD launching a call to participate in a new initiative to improve local mobility services
U-LEAD launching call to participate in new local waste management initiative U-LEAD launching call to participate in new local waste management initiative
Call for applications for participation in the "Community 4 People" Project Call for applications for participation in the "Community 4 People" Project
Administrative Services Centre Opened in Erky with support of U-LEAD with Europe Administrative Services Centre Opened in Erky with support of U-LEAD with Europe
VACANCIES! “U-LEAD with Europe” Programme announced search for regional experts in six directions VACANCIES! “U-LEAD with Europe” Programme announced search for regional experts in six directions