Amalgamated hromadas are invited to apply for participation in the U-LEAD with Europe’s initiative “Support and Development of Sustainable Mobility Services in Amalgamated Hromadas” jointly implemented with the GIZ Sector Project Sustainable Mobility. The project will run up to October 2019.
This project supports Amalgamated Hromadas in providing sustainable mobility solutions to respond to urgent concerns. Actions of the project will mobilize ideas and solutions from across Ukraine, facilitate exchange with European partners and help to build a knowledge base for sustainable mobility solutions in Hromadas.
The actions cover a wide set of issues, including:
Selected amalgamated hromadas will benefit from:
Tentative key dates of the project:
Deadline for the applications submission: November 30, 2018
Publication of the selection results: December 14, 2018
Starting seminar in Kyiv (1 day): January 25, 2019
Trainings in 5 Local Government Development Centers in the regions (2 days): February-March 2019
Expert visits to hromadas: June-July 2019
Final project conference in Kyiv: September 2019
Priority during the selection process will be given to the AHs not yet participating in other initiatives supported by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme or other international donor programmes supporting the Decentralisation reform.
To apply, please complete the Application Form and send it by November 30, 2018 to the following email address: If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at +380674421494, Viktor Zagreba. Up to 30 AHs will be selected for participation by December 14, 2018.
Attached files:
Програма «U-LEAD з Європою»
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