On 16-17 May 2019, the All-Ukrainian Information Campaign “I am Hromada!”, organised by the joint efforts of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine and the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, will start with public events in the Odesa Oblast.
The information campaign “I am Hromada!” will cover 39 settlements in different oblasts of Ukraine and aims to inform the population about the decentralisation reform and its aspects in the field of education and health, in particular, to raise public awareness about its essence, demonstrating the best practices of already existing amalgamated hromadas (AHs), and to encourage citizens to become agents of change.
In the Odesa Oblast, the campaign will be held in Sarata and Ananyiv.
16 May 2019, Sarata
What? Public discussion “Hromadas’ amalgamation: successes, realities and challenges in the context of a new stage of the decentralisation reform”.
Where? Sarata Rayon House of Culture (73, Ignaz Lindl Str.).
When? 12.00 - 14.00 (registration starts at 11.30).
Representatives of village and city councils, social and utility services, farmers and entrepreneurs (including large ones), leaders of youth groups (organisations, school self-government), representatives of public, including local, organisations and media are invited to participate in the event.
17 May 2019, Ananyiv
What? Public event “Decentralisation Town”
Where? Molodizhnyi Park (Nezalezhnosti Str.)
When? 14.00-18.00
The event incites all residents of Ananyiv and nearby settlements, specialists in the areas of decentralisation, healthcare, education, environment and sports, local authorities, journalists. The programme includes thematic information, discussions, interactive games, expert advice, entertainment, quest.
The next stage of the nationwide information campaign “I am Hromada!” will take place in the village of Lozuvatka, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. For more information, please, visit iamhromada.org
Contacts for the media:
Natalia Kramar, media coordinator of the “I am Hromada!” project, tel.: (050) 984 62 46
About the campaign:
The events of the all-Ukrainian information campaign “I am Hromada!” will be held in 39 settlements of different oblasts of Ukraine.
The campaign aims to:
In general, 28 public and 11 dialogue events will be held in different oblasts of Ukraine with the participation of the general public, NGOs, AH representatives, volunteers and journalists.
The “Decentralisation Town” concept (in 28 settlements) will allow to simultaneously conduct a series of interactive activities that combine information and education activities, case presentations, experience sharing, games and entertainment formats. This will attract and unite people of all social and age groups in an accessible and interesting way.
Dialogue activities for target groups are also planned in informational formats, presentations of cases and discussions (in 11 settlements).
The All-Ukrainian Information Campaign “I am Hromada!” is being implemented by U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme, a multi-donor action of the European Union and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden. The Programme cooperates with MinRegion in establishment of a multilevel governance system that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of citizens.
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