How to contribute to the local business development – the Danish municipality experience

The head of the Danish municipality of Gulborgsunn John Bredder has shared his experience of facilitating the local business development with Ukrainian hromadas.

He covered it during the online-forum «With fairness to success: how to establish a hromada friendly to business.

«Our municipal council does a lot to improve the working conditions оf enterprises, private companies. We have also decided to develop a dialogue with local companies for the purpose of more efficient response to their needs and common search for decisions. It is related to searching for land plots for running businesses. We are working over the development of plans of creating certain aspects and municipal units. It involves making recommendations on developing investment. Everything is being done jointly with the locals and companies to ensure common understanding and territories development vision», - said Bredder.


18.05.2021 - 15:55 | Views: 4707
How to contribute to the local business development – the Danish municipality experience


business international experience U-LEAD



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