Opinion polls provided by the Council of Europe shows that more knowledgeable citisens are much more supportive of the reform process, including the decentralization reform.
The Council of Europe and the Civil Society Institute have created a training course “Decentralisation. Self-organisation. Self-realisation" for secondary schools in order to disseminate an information on benefits and opportunities of local self-government and decentralisation reforms, European democratic standards and the best practices of Ukrainian communities.
The training is intended primarily for children enrolled in the 10th and 11th grades of secondary schools, who can already take an active part in the life of their communities and have to decide on their further studies as well as could later come to work in public service institutions or be elected as councillors
Follow us! Later additional training materials and the first results will be presented!!!
At the first stage, the training for teachers will be organised in Poltava city. To participate in the training, please fill in an on-line application form. Deadline for submission of offers – 29 October 2020.
More information in Ukrainian.
Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and local government reform in Ukraine”
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