14 March 2025
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Розмежування та розподіл повноважень органів місцевого самоврядування. Інтерв’ю з авторами проєкту Концепції

Розмежування та розподіл повноважень органів місцевого самоврядування. Інтерв’ю з авторами проєкту Концепції
The territory development sustainability is not less important than financial resources – theses of the second day of the VI-th Forum «Efficient local administration as a precondition of a democratic and law-governed state» The territory development sustainability is not less important than financial resources – theses of the second day of the VI-th Forum «Efficient local administration as a precondition of a democratic and law-governed state»
Kyiv is the only municipality of Ukraine with local self-government being under the aegis of the executive branch of power in opposition to the European Charter Kyiv is the only municipality of Ukraine with local self-government being under the aegis of the executive branch of power in opposition to the European Charter
It depends on the parliament whether rayons will be decorative or efficient, - Yuriy Hanushchak It depends on the parliament whether rayons will be decorative or efficient, - Yuriy Hanushchak
 «Do not be afraid»: experts called on people’s deputies to vote for new rayons establishment «Do not be afraid»: experts called on people’s deputies to vote for new rayons establishment
On hromadas-povits in the amendments to the Constitution On hromadas-povits in the amendments to the Constitution
Announcement! June, 30 – the press-briefing: “To save decentralisation: rayon consolidation and the 2020 local elections” Announcement! June, 30 – the press-briefing: “To save decentralisation: rayon consolidation and the 2020 local elections”
Why are district councils unnecessary? Answers for the authorised Why are district councils unnecessary? Answers for the authorised
New rayons formation will make it possible for some chronic problems to be solved New rayons formation will make it possible for some chronic problems to be solved
№ 2653: experts call for an important bill on the local self-government reform to be included in the agenda of the Verkhovna Rada extraordinary session № 2653: experts call for an important bill on the local self-government reform to be included in the agenda of the Verkhovna Rada extraordinary session
Four eavesdropped conversations about the Constitution and more Four eavesdropped conversations about the Constitution and more
‘Save the village!’ How a consensus concerning constitutional amendments was searched for in the capital. A report ‘Save the village!’ How a consensus concerning constitutional amendments was searched for in the capital. A report
A new version of the draft law on amendments to the Constitution related to decentralisation: the first comments A new version of the draft law on amendments to the Constitution related to decentralisation: the first comments
Comment on the public statement of town heads and experts on the draft amendments to the Constitution Comment on the public statement of town heads and experts on the draft amendments to the Constitution
Amendments to the Constitution: betrayal or victory?

Author: Yurii Hanushchak, Director of the Institute for Territorial Development Amendments to the Constitution: betrayal or victory? Author: Yurii Hanushchak, Director of the Institute for Territorial Development