13 December 2024
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What will scenario of land market opening be? What will scenario of land market opening be?
Are early local elections possible and what will be with decentralisation at all: views of experts and MPs Are early local elections possible and what will be with decentralisation at all: views of experts and MPs
Donetsk Oblast prepares for new wave of decentralisation Donetsk Oblast prepares for new wave of decentralisation
"I do not guarantee that decentralisation ideas will penetrate the new Parliament, but I can foresee that it will not last long if this does not happen," Yuriy Hanushchak "I do not guarantee that decentralisation ideas will penetrate the new Parliament, but I can foresee that it will not last long if this does not happen," Yuriy Hanushchak
Draft of administrative and territorial structure of hromadas and rayons discussed in Cherkasy Oblast Draft of administrative and territorial structure of hromadas and rayons discussed in Cherkasy Oblast
Mykolayiv Oblast can build up effective territorial basis for local self-government to replace underperforming hromadas Mykolayiv Oblast can build up effective territorial basis for local self-government to replace underperforming hromadas
Next phase of decentralisation to be prepared in Kherson Oblast Next phase of decentralisation to be prepared in Kherson Oblast
As a result of hromada’s work, a decision on its functioning will be made in 2020, - Yuriy Hanushchak As a result of hromada’s work, a decision on its functioning will be made in 2020, - Yuriy Hanushchak
Only officials need current rayons, since people need quality services Only officials need current rayons, since people need quality services
Enshrining decentralisation in the Constitution: bury to give birth Enshrining decentralisation in the Constitution: bury to give birth
“We have made it to the middle of the river, when we already can’t return back”. Parliament is asked to consider amendments to the Constitution on decentralisation next week “We have made it to the middle of the river, when we already can’t return back”. Parliament is asked to consider amendments to the Constitution on decentralisation next week
Yuriy Hanushchak: “Poltava Oblast will become a litmus indicator of administrative reform success” Yuriy Hanushchak: “Poltava Oblast will become a litmus indicator of administrative reform success”
Why did not debates manage to convince 30% of Poltava Oblast residents? Why did not debates manage to convince 30% of Poltava Oblast residents?
Hromadas can suit CEC, - expert Hromadas can suit CEC, - expert
Why is CEC keeping a million of Ukrainians hostage? Why is CEC keeping a million of Ukrainians hostage?