13 March 2025
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10 серпня - круглий стіл УАРОР «Діалоги про перспективи діяльності районних рад» 10 серпня - круглий стіл УАРОР «Діалоги про перспективи діяльності районних рад»
Райрадам перерахували субвенцію за січень-травень 2022 року - Мінрегіон Райрадам перерахували субвенцію за січень-травень 2022 року - Мінрегіон
The government has defined the procedure for allotting subventions to rayon councils for 2022 The government has defined the procedure for allotting subventions to rayon councils for 2022
Vitalii Bezghin: «The bill on local public administrations is a balance we have found with the local self-government» Vitalii Bezghin: «The bill on local public administrations is a balance we have found with the local self-government»
Hard talk on decentralization – quotations by Vyacheslav Nehoda and Vitalii Bezghin Hard talk on decentralization – quotations by Vyacheslav Nehoda and Vitalii Bezghin
Over 2000 propositions have been advanced by people’s deputies concerning the bill on local state administrations. Some of them will be taken into consideration Over 2000 propositions have been advanced by people’s deputies concerning the bill on local state administrations. Some of them will be taken into consideration
Powers of oblast and rayon state administrations: bill №4298 has been repeatedly sent for the Parliament to consider in the second reading (+infographics) Powers of oblast and rayon state administrations: bill №4298 has been repeatedly sent for the Parliament to consider in the second reading (+infographics)
New authority system: problems, rayon councils, taxes and development – the second season of the Municipality project is on air New authority system: problems, rayon councils, taxes and development – the second season of the Municipality project is on air
Heads of Rayon State Administrations are being trained. Decentralisation has changed their authorities Heads of Rayon State Administrations are being trained. Decentralisation has changed their authorities
Change of the administrative and territorial arrangement and legal aspects of appeal against the related rulings – a guidebook Change of the administrative and territorial arrangement and legal aspects of appeal against the related rulings – a guidebook
Rayon council funding: the MinRegion has submitted propositions to the Ministry of Finances once again Rayon council funding: the MinRegion has submitted propositions to the Ministry of Finances once again
Oleksandr Kornienko: the bill on local state administrations is ready to be considered Oleksandr Kornienko: the bill on local state administrations is ready to be considered
Decentralization is one of the most successful reforms in Ukraine, - the President Decentralization is one of the most successful reforms in Ukraine, - the President
Powers of oblast state administrations and rayon state administrations: bill №4298 is ready for consideration in the second reading (+infographics) Powers of oblast state administrations and rayon state administrations: bill №4298 is ready for consideration in the second reading (+infographics)
The future of rayon councils – the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils has publicized the resolution The future of rayon councils – the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils has publicized the resolution