16 March 2025
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У 2023 році акциз з пального зараховуватиметься до місцевих бюджетів за новим порядком

У 2023 році акциз з пального зараховуватиметься до місцевих бюджетів за новим порядком
Місцеві бюджети знову отримуватимуть надходження від акцизного податку з пального Місцеві бюджети знову отримуватимуть надходження від акцизного податку з пального
Як розподіляється акциз на тютюн між бюджетами місцевого самоврядування - оприлюднено порядок Як розподіляється акциз на тютюн між бюджетами місцевого самоврядування - оприлюднено порядок
З 1 травня 2022 року змінено механізм зарахування акцизного податку з тютюнових виробів З 1 травня 2022 року змінено механізм зарахування акцизного податку з тютюнових виробів
Excise duty, the State Fund of Regional Development and other significant Budget Code amendments – the Verkhovna Rada has passed the law Excise duty, the State Fund of Regional Development and other significant Budget Code amendments – the Verkhovna Rada has passed the law
An excise duty in local budgets: the State Taxation Service has published important for municipalities data An excise duty in local budgets: the State Taxation Service has published important for municipalities data
The Ministry of Finances: Local self-government budgets will get UAH 2,6 billion of the excise duty to develop regions The Ministry of Finances: Local self-government budgets will get UAH 2,6 billion of the excise duty to develop regions
On the perspectives of Constitution amendments in terms of decentralization and other issues – an interview by Vitalii Bezghin On the perspectives of Constitution amendments in terms of decentralization and other issues – an interview by Vitalii Bezghin
The Government has approved of the procedure of a fuel excise duty settlement to local budgets The Government has approved of the procedure of a fuel excise duty settlement to local budgets
An excise duty will remain in the local budgets – the Parliament’s decision An excise duty will remain in the local budgets – the Parliament’s decision
In the second half-year period of 2020 approximately UAH 4 billion of the fuel excise tax will be forwarded to the local budgets In the second half-year period of 2020 approximately UAH 4 billion of the fuel excise tax will be forwarded to the local budgets
The Government Has Approved the Procedure for Crediting the Fuel Excise Tax Part to Local Budgets in 2020 The Government Has Approved the Procedure for Crediting the Fuel Excise Tax Part to Local Budgets in 2020
Excise tax on fuel in 2020 will not be collected from hromadas: Verkhovna Rada adopts amendments to the Budget Code Excise tax on fuel in 2020 will not be collected from hromadas: Verkhovna Rada adopts amendments to the Budget Code
Excise tax on fuel should remain in local budgets, - AUC Excise tax on fuel should remain in local budgets, - AUC
Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers on distribution of revenues from fuel excise tax for local budgets in second half of 2019 Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers on distribution of revenues from fuel excise tax for local budgets in second half of 2019