The Ministry of Finances: Local self-government budgets will get UAH 2,6 billion of the excise duty to develop regions

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted the resolution On Amending the Procedure for Settling a Part of the Excise Duty on Fuel Produced in Ukraine and Brought to the Customs Territory of Ukraine to the General Fund of the Local Self-Government Budgets.

The Government decision will ensure everyday allocation of a part of the fuel excise duty between local self-government budgets in the second half-year period of 2021, and will allow to allocate between local budgets UAH 2,6 billion of the duty, accumulated as of September, 28, 2021 at the treasury account.

The document implementation will positively influence the regional development and provide an opportunity for the regional proper funding.

30.09.2021 - 14:37 | Views: 4749
The Ministry of Finances: Local self-government budgets will get UAH 2,6 billion of the excise duty to develop regions


excise tax Ministry of Finance


Урядовий портал

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