In the second half-year period of 2020 approximately UAH 4 billion of the fuel excise tax will be forwarded to the local budgets

On August, 19 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted the resolution On Amending the Procedure of Offsetting Excise Tax on the Fuel Produced in Ukraine and Brought to the Customs Territory of Ukraine to the General Fund of Local Self-Government Budgets in 2020, establishing standards of offsetting a part of the fuel excise tax to the Local Self-Government Budgets in the second half-year period. Thus, in the second half-year period of 2020 approximately UAH 4 billion of the fuel excise tax will be forwarded to the local budgets.

As of 19.08.2020, at the Treasury separate balance account there has been accumulated UAH 1,2 billion of the fuel excise tax to be distributed between the Local Self-Government Budgets.

20.08.2020 - 14:28 | Views: 7212
In the second half-year period of 2020 approximately UAH 4 billion of the fuel excise tax will be forwarded to the local budgets


budget excise tax


Урядовий портал

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