13 March 2025
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Запровадження місцевих адміністрацій префектурного типу: що це і навіщо Україні?

Запровадження місцевих адміністрацій префектурного типу: що це і навіщо Україні?
Продовження децентралізації: фокус на підвищенні стандартів прозорості, захищеності та підзвітності місцевого самоврядування Продовження децентралізації: фокус на підвищенні стандартів прозорості, захищеності та підзвітності місцевого самоврядування
In 2023, decentralization will continue, - Denys Shmyhal In 2023, decentralization will continue, - Denys Shmyhal
«French pattern – public authorities harmoniously complement the local ones and vice versa in different municipality life spheres». An interview with prefect Éric Freysselinard «French pattern – public authorities harmoniously complement the local ones and vice versa in different municipality life spheres». An interview with prefect Éric Freysselinard
A meeting with the French Republic Prefect Éric Freysselinard has taken place at the MinRegion A meeting with the French Republic Prefect Éric Freysselinard has taken place at the MinRegion
On the perspectives of Constitution amendments in terms of decentralization and other issues – an interview by Vitalii Bezghin On the perspectives of Constitution amendments in terms of decentralization and other issues – an interview by Vitalii Bezghin
The institute of prefects is a preventor of the vertical structure of the state power, - Oleksiy Chernyshov The institute of prefects is a preventor of the vertical structure of the state power, - Oleksiy Chernyshov
On decentralization challenges, success and problems – an interview with Oleksiy Chernyshov, the Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine On decentralization challenges, success and problems – an interview with Oleksiy Chernyshov, the Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine
The prefect formula The prefect formula
Constitutional amendments without "special statuses" and with other prefect functions: Oleksandr Kornienko commented upon his vision of the decentralization completion Constitutional amendments without "special statuses" and with other prefect functions: Oleksandr Kornienko commented upon his vision of the decentralization completion
The key issue of the discussion around amendments to the Constitution will be the Prefect Institute, according to Oleksandr Korniienko The key issue of the discussion around amendments to the Constitution will be the Prefect Institute, according to Oleksandr Korniienko
Without rayons and state administrations, but with districts and prefects, - what changes to Constitution will envisage Without rayons and state administrations, but with districts and prefects, - what changes to Constitution will envisage
Prefect will not be assigned to the region he comes from Prefect will not be assigned to the region he comes from
Decentralisation of responsibility: an issue that cannot be postponed Decentralisation of responsibility: an issue that cannot be postponed
Prior to the introduction of the Prefect Institute, we have to work out a mechanism for monitoring the lawfulness of the local self-government decisions, - Hennadii Zubko in the Council of Europe Prior to the introduction of the Prefect Institute, we have to work out a mechanism for monitoring the lawfulness of the local self-government decisions, - Hennadii Zubko in the Council of Europe