12 December 2024
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заступник голови Правління Центру політико-правових реформ

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Послуги ДРАЦС в громадах: про що був звіт Міністра юстиції Послуги ДРАЦС в громадах: про що був звіт Міністра юстиції
How has the ASC subvention been divided in 2021 How has the ASC subvention been divided in 2021
Services of Civil Status Registartion Departments have been returned to all hromadas Services of Civil Status Registartion Departments have been returned to all hromadas
On the way to transparent and reasonable fees for administrative services On the way to transparent and reasonable fees for administrative services
Novelties of the Law on the ASC network
Novelties of the Law on the ASC network
Decentralisation paradoxes: social welfare centralisation? Decentralisation paradoxes: social welfare centralisation?
On bill 2679 (on the ASCs network) On bill 2679 (on the ASCs network)
How to establish efficient ASC How to establish efficient ASC