11 December 2024
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There have appeared Guidelines on Local Self-Government Structure Harmonization and Service Instructions Development There have appeared Guidelines on Local Self-Government Structure Harmonization and Service Instructions Development
Municipal capacity criteria in Ukraine’s reforms Municipal capacity criteria in Ukraine’s reforms
Царичанська громада – успішний приклад втілення  децентралізації Царичанська громада – успішний приклад втілення децентралізації
How jurisdiction size relates to good local governance How jurisdiction size relates to good local governance
Municipalities’ financial performance, - experts have created a dashboard Municipalities’ financial performance, - experts have created a dashboard
Decentralization is one of the most successful reforms in Ukraine, - the President Decentralization is one of the most successful reforms in Ukraine, - the President
The municipality voice has to be powerful: citations from the assembly of municipalities The municipality voice has to be powerful: citations from the assembly of municipalities
Each municipality has to identify and increase its potential on its own, - Oleksiy Chernyshov Each municipality has to identify and increase its potential on its own, - Oleksiy Chernyshov
June, 22 – presentation of the manual «Theory and Practice of Improving local self-government services» June, 22 – presentation of the manual «Theory and Practice of Improving local self-government services»
On decentralization challenges, success and problems – an interview with Oleksiy Chernyshov, the Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine On decentralization challenges, success and problems – an interview with Oleksiy Chernyshov, the Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine
«100% municipalities can’t be equally powerful economically as the economy is developing irregularly but…», - Vyacheslav Nehoda «100% municipalities can’t be equally powerful economically as the economy is developing irregularly but…», - Vyacheslav Nehoda
How oblasts and rayons should cooperate with municipalities under the new conditions, - Vyacheslav Nehoda’s comments How oblasts and rayons should cooperate with municipalities under the new conditions, - Vyacheslav Nehoda’s comments
Is it worth waiting for the new wording of the law on local self-government: an open dialogue on decentralisation has taken place in the Ivano-Frankivsk oblast? Is it worth waiting for the new wording of the law on local self-government: an open dialogue on decentralisation has taken place in the Ivano-Frankivsk oblast?
Velyki Kopani – a Ukrainian village, exclusively governed by females. Velyki Kopani – a Ukrainian village, exclusively governed by females.
Do municipalities need a development strategy? – the Municipality project is on air for the third time Do municipalities need a development strategy? – the Municipality project is on air for the third time