10 March 2025
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Експерти розповіли про підходи до оцінки нефінансових показників діяльності громад Експерти розповіли про підходи до оцінки нефінансових показників діяльності громад
Оцінювання фінансової спроможності територіальних громад: оновлені підходи Оцінювання фінансової спроможності територіальних громад: оновлені підходи
An analytical and informational system has been created to monitor statistic and administrative performance of municipalities An analytical and informational system has been created to monitor statistic and administrative performance of municipalities
Performance monitoring of 25 municipalities -partners of the HOVERLA USAID Project Performance monitoring of 25 municipalities -partners of the HOVERLA USAID Project
Report on Pilot Project Implementation, “Developing a Performance Measurement System for Consolidated Communities” Report on Pilot Project Implementation, “Developing a Performance Measurement System for Consolidated Communities”
It is of greater importance to understand municipality needs and help them rather than assess their work, - Vyacheslav Nehoda It is of greater importance to understand municipality needs and help them rather than assess their work, - Vyacheslav Nehoda
Municipality financial capability assessment – methodical recommendations (a draft) Municipality financial capability assessment – methodical recommendations (a draft)
Municipal capacity criteria in Ukraine’s reforms Municipal capacity criteria in Ukraine’s reforms
Designing a territorial development monitoring system Designing a territorial development monitoring system
«100% municipalities can’t be equally powerful economically as the economy is developing irregularly but…», - Vyacheslav Nehoda «100% municipalities can’t be equally powerful economically as the economy is developing irregularly but…», - Vyacheslav Nehoda
Publicity of hromadas capability markers will contribute to the territories development, - Vyacheslav Nehoda Publicity of hromadas capability markers will contribute to the territories development, - Vyacheslav Nehoda
Each hromada will be able to assess its work outcomes in an unbiased way – hromada capability was discussed in Berdychiv Each hromada will be able to assess its work outcomes in an unbiased way – hromada capability was discussed in Berdychiv
Territorial hromadas development – the MinRegion has started a series of open dialogues in the regions Territorial hromadas development – the MinRegion has started a series of open dialogues in the regions
The President has enacted the decentralization decisions by the National Security and Defense Council The President has enacted the decentralization decisions by the National Security and Defense Council
15 performance criteria – the Portal of Hromada Capability has been presented 15 performance criteria – the Portal of Hromada Capability has been presented