Stepanetska AH – hromada of success with a beauty salon even in a small village

And here they also bought Mercedes for transportation of the hromada residents and have everything necessary to repair roads – in the long run, not only on the AH territory. This is one of the few hromadas that has launched its own production, and one of the two AHs of the Cherkasy Oblast to give part of its revenues to the state (reverse grant amounts to UAH 15 million).

The participants of the press tour, organised by the Cherkasy Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, personally got acquainted with the life of one of the richest Cherkasy Oblast’s hromadas (in terms of revenues per 1 AH resident).


The Stepanetska AH includes 17 villages of the Kaniv Rayon uniting nearly 5500 residents.

The hromada is repairing kindergartens and schools, roads and wells, rural health posts and cultural clubs.

Renovated rural health post


Here, the beach is being prepared for a new season and containers for civilized waste collection have been purchased.

Garbage containers all over the hromada


Hroamda educators and doctors say they have not seen such a powerful renovation of premises and equipment for many years.

Renovated chemistry classroom at a village school

This year, the first-grade pupils of the hromada began to study sitting at unique anti-scoliotic desks.

First-grade pupils study sitting at unique anti-scoliotic desks

Besides, this year, a Safety Centre will open on the AH territory. The reconstruction of the premises to locate the personnel and the car of the local fire department is underway.

New utility machinery


The AH can now lay asphalt on its own and plans to provide these services to neighbouring hromadas and villages.

Production of fuel briquettes

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Черкаська область


Степанецька територіальна громада


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