A solemn opening of the park zone with a “solar tree” and an ID card and biometric foreign passport issue unit were held in the Bilozerska AH of the Cherkasy Oblast.
As reported by Ukrinform, the event was attended by the head and members of the hromada, leadership of the rayon and oblast, as well as representatives of the Cherkasy Local Government Development Centre and journalists.
“The Administrative Service Centre, opened jointly at the expense of the State Fund for Regional Development and our own funds, has been operating in our hromada since last year. People are very satisfied, as now they do not have to go to the rayon centre, all services are provided on-site. From now on the ASC will provide a place for issuing ID cards and biometric passports. This project was implemented together with the SFRD, we have attracted 20% of our own funds. Software and equipment were connected yesterday, and the Migration Service has yet to provide us with the key. We have to finalise everything by 1 February,” said Volodymyr Mitsuk, head of the Bilozerska AH.
According to Mr Mitsuk, the first ASolar Tree in Cherkasy Oblast became another site of the Bilozerska AH. Solar powered “tree” was equipped with a special device to charge mobile phones, tablets and other gadgets. At the same time, it would be possible to charge up to eight devices, as the station was equipped with batteries of 200 amperes: in good weather conditions, there should be enough energy per whole day. Batteries are rated for 10 years of work, while solar panels – for over 30.
According to the AH head, implementation of such a project is, first of all, an educational campaign aimed at raising awareness, understanding and use of renewable energy sources.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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Черкаська областьГромади:
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