In Opishnya there is an ethnical hamlet where thousands of visitors from all over the country and abroad take rest annually, a unique bread and borshch museum where you can taste over three hundred recipes of Ukrainian dishes. But the municipality misses out on the Crafts Development Centre to teach pottery, to hold events and exchange experience. The project is ready, the premises will be repaired soon and the equipment will be purchased. Three potters and six painters will be employed there. The Centre will assist in preserving the craft, creating new jobs and increasing the tourist influx. This means additional budget revenues. That is why the municipality is participating in Our Municipality contest.
The municipality has a UAH million to implement the project but it needs half a million more. The locals believe in the victory. The craftsmen, remembering the secrets of their ancestors, are ready to share their experience and hope that the Ukrainian pottery will be known all over the world again.
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