11 January 2025
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Decentralisation of responsibility: an issue that cannot be postponed Decentralisation of responsibility: an issue that cannot be postponed
We have transferred the powers and finances to the ground, but control still needs to be improved, - Volodymyr Groysman We have transferred the powers and finances to the ground, but control still needs to be improved, - Volodymyr Groysman
Association of AHs supports introduction of a system of state supervision over local self-government's activity, - Hennadii Zubko Association of AHs supports introduction of a system of state supervision over local self-government's activity, - Hennadii Zubko
How will “Strasbourg compromise” change Ukraine? How will “Strasbourg compromise” change Ukraine?
"No new obligations and no restrictions..." - state supervision in Robert Herzog’s viewpoint "No new obligations and no restrictions..." - state supervision in Robert Herzog’s viewpoint
Number of controlling bodies should decrease and they should not impede local self-government, - Vyacheslav Nehoda Number of controlling bodies should decrease and they should not impede local self-government, - Vyacheslav Nehoda
“Pardon impossible to execute”. No more need to decide on place of comma “Pardon impossible to execute”. No more need to decide on place of comma
Elaboration of law on state supervision over lawfulness of local self-government decisions continues Elaboration of law on state supervision over lawfulness of local self-government decisions continues
We need to shape effective instruments of local government control, Volodymyr Groysman speaks about further steps on decentralisation We need to shape effective instruments of local government control, Volodymyr Groysman speaks about further steps on decentralisation
Prior to the introduction of the Prefect Institute, we have to work out a mechanism for monitoring the lawfulness of the local self-government decisions, - Hennadii Zubko in the Council of Europe Prior to the introduction of the Prefect Institute, we have to work out a mechanism for monitoring the lawfulness of the local self-government decisions, - Hennadii Zubko in the Council of Europe
Cities with ambitious heads, who care about reputation, develop faster, - expert Cities with ambitious heads, who care about reputation, develop faster, - expert
Supervision over lawfulness of decisions of local self-government bodies is responsibility of state, - Hennadii Zubko Supervision over lawfulness of decisions of local self-government bodies is responsibility of state, - Hennadii Zubko
Контроль за рішеннями ОТГ має однозначно бути
 «Проблеми з прийняттям незаконних рішень  є, бо зараз нас ніхто не контролює», - представники місцевих рад «Проблеми з прийняттям незаконних рішень є, бо зараз нас ніхто не контролює», - представники місцевих рад
Державний нагляд – це швидше механізм співпраці органу місцевого самоврядування з державною адміністрацією. Актуальні коментарі Державний нагляд – це швидше механізм співпраці органу місцевого самоврядування з державною адміністрацією. Актуальні коментарі