The name of urban-type settlement in the Illintsi Rayon – Dashiv – derives from the Turkic word "stone", and since it is located on the Sob river, that makes the settlement picturesque and blossoming, there is a red flower on its coat of arms, as well as ancient five-domed St. Michael's Church. Another historic feature of Dashiv is the Palace of Potocki. However, this is all the past, and at present, the Dashivska AH was formed in December 2016 to solve the problems of its residents.
Over a short period of its existence, the hromada with 6 village councils and a population of just over 8.6 thousand people can already report on its achievements. Using the opportunities provided by the Government, the Dashivska AH takes part in regional development projects and gradually develops infrastructure and improves the well-being of citizens.
Serhiy Tytarenko, Dashiv settlement head, conducted a presentation, telling about the AH budget, revenues and expenditures, as well as strategic goals for the near future.
In 2016 the total budget of settlements of the Dashivska AH barely exceeded UAH 7 million, and now the AH budget has grown up to UAH 56 million per year.
Of course, one of the most important issues is the quality of rural roads. And the hromada has worked a lot in this direction (overhaul of more than 2 kilometres of sidewalks, asphalt covering, ongoing repairs, rubble delivery).
In order to provide high-quality educational and cultural services, the AH has set up the Department of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports with 35 establishments on its balance.
This year, the construction of a solar power plant has begun on an old 21-hectare pasture to develop the hromada's economic potential.
Small residents of Dashiv have excellent studying and recreation conditions in the "Zhuravlyk" children's educational institution. Desks were purchased for the first-grade pupils, and smaller children have plenty of space for playing.
The AH is also improving landscaping and infrastructure. A park will soon appear near the ancient Palace of Plater-Potocki, architectural monument of the 18th century.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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