By 2030 Ukraine should manage waste the European way, - Hennadii Zubko

Ukraine needs to create an efficient waste management system based on European standards, focused on a closed loop economy. It's about management, not maintenance. This is the goal of the National Waste Management Strategy in Ukraine by 2030, developed in cooperation with international partners and approved by the Government. This is a requirement of time, as well as the commitment of Ukraine within the framework of the Association Agreement with the EU and implementation of the EU Directives, said Hennadii Zubko, Vice-Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services, at the first meeting of the Coordinating Council on the Implementation of the Waste Management Strategy in Ukraine until 2030, held today.

He noted that Ukraine is far behind the European Union in terms of many indicators. “In Ukraine, 2.7% of solid household waste is burned today, while in the EU this figure is 26%; we process only 3.2% of solid waste, and the EU – 43%; 90% of solid waste is buried in Ukraine, while in the EU this figure makes up only 31%. We need to reduce this gap, as well as achieve clear targets in Ukraine regarding reduction of waste volumes, including municipal waste, increase of volumes of waste transferred to processing, creation of regional centres, etc.” said Hennadii Zubko.

The official noted that the National Management Plan by 2030, presented by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, should become a clear roadmap for the implementation of the Strategy, with schedule and responsible central and local authorities. Thus, within the framework of the implementation of the Plan, the first tasks include the adoption of framework legislation to implement seven EU Directives, as well as development of regional waste management plans. Next steps concern construction and modernisation of the waste management infrastructure. “At the same time, local authorities do not have to wait for legislation to be adopted, but to move in parallel right now. This implies investment attraction, study of advanced technologies, establishment of regional centres. It is necessary to stop looking at waste as a problem, but to consider it as additional economic and investment opportunities. Already now it is necessary to develop regional waste management plans, use tools of intermunicipal cooperation, prepare personnel to work in the field of waste management,” said Hennadii Zubko.

The Vice Prime Minister stressed that AHs have already signed intermunicipal declarations, according to which they begin to manage waste and collect it at certain landfills for further processing and disposal. “Over the next few weeks, we expect local authorities and OSAs to make concrete proposals, observations and recommendations to approve the National Waste Management Action Plan for Ukraine by 2030,” Hennadii Zubko explained.

It should be mentioned that the Coordinating Council on the Implementation of the National Waste Management Strategy for Ukraine by 2030 and its composition are approved by the CMU resolution dated 25 April 2018. It includes representatives of the Central Executive Bodies, the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting, the State Regulatory Service, Verkhovna Rada committees, MPs of Ukraine, the AUC and others. The Council is headed by Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.

Its main tasks are coordination of actions of central and local executive authorities on the formation and implementation of the state policy in the field of waste management and preparation of the national and regional waste management plans; adaptation of the national legislation to the European one; monitoring and analysis of the state of implementation of the National Waste Management Strategy of Ukraine by 2030, etc.

16.08.2018 - 13:51 | Views: 8995
By 2030 Ukraine should manage waste the European way, - Hennadii Zubko


H.Zubko garbage


Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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