102 rayons instead of 490: MinRegion showed a new model of administrative-territorial structure

Today, for the first time, I present a model of an ideal European Ukraine with a new model of administrative-territorial structure, that has 102 rayons formed instead of 490. These are 92 rayons located in the controlled territory of Ukraine, and 10 more – located on the temporarily occupied territory and in Crimea, said Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, during an hour of questions to the Government in the Verkhovna Rada.



“The new system of administrative-territorial structure will allow to form a quality management of the European model – according to the indicators of human potential development, high-quality services and sectoral reforms. It will also enable not only to build a high-quality administrative model, but also to effectively use the funds on the ground, which are now directed to the existing nearly half a thousand rayon state administrations,” said Hennadii Zubko.

According to him, the new subregional level will give an opportunity to increase the territories and the number of their residents to 150 thousand living in rayons. This will enable formation of high-quality, powerful teams that can coordinate, manage processes and powers delegated by the state.

During an hour of questions to the Government, Hennadii Zubko also reminded that it is decentralisation that radically changed the management system in the state and ensured the transition from centralised Soviet management to implementation of the European standards of governance – democracy, subsidiarity and responsibility of the authorities.

924 AHs inhabited by 70% of Ukrainians are formed in Ukraine so far. These hromadas are already working according to the new management system and implementing the highly needed reforms on the ground: education, primary healthcare, introduction of new administrative services, social protection.

The official thanked the MPs of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the VIII convocation for the adoption of laws essential for Ukraine. “Due to the laws passed, Ukrainians already live and work in a qualitative system of public administration, they can work on their Development Strategy, shape their future and the future of their children. This Verkhovna Rada has passed laws that allow us to govern the future of the state,” said Hennadii Zubko.


H.Zubko rayon


Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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