Today, one of the main issues in Ukraine is the lack of leadership potential on the ground that can engage in reforms. In general, I believe that any reform that does not affect the life of every family or person makes no sense. Therefore, the country currently needs real leaders – the leaders who will take responsibility for the hromada, apartment building co-owners association etc., and will bring real change to the quality of life. Reforms are being implemented for Ukrainians, thus Ukrainians should actively participate in them, announced Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, in the “Podiya” (“Event”) programme with Mykola Veresen on “Pryamyi” TV Channel.
“Why are there currently 710 AHs formed in the country, and not 1,5 thousand? The main reason is the search for leaders in hromadas, who are ready to assume responsibility and change the quality of life of Ukrainians in the domains of education, healthcare, social or administrative services, etc. And it does not depend on people’s age or specialty. It is very important for everyone to understand that the decentralisation reform, implemented by the Government, is impossible without involvement of a large number of professionals. Today, it is unconceivable to watch the changes in the country, not joining this process!” said Hennadii Zubko.
The Vice Prime Minister stressed that all the reforms taking place in the country are aimed primarily at people, and the main condition is the participation of Ukrainians in them. “Today it is necessary to deviate from the paternalism that existed in the country during the Soviet times, and to speak about the effectiveness of each and every one – government official, manager at the local self-government level or businessman – and to do very cool things in the country. As far as, for example, the decentralisation reform is not just AH establishment, quality change, budget filling, and transfer of funds, because we are used to talking about it – the number of billions transferred. It is a change in the management system of the state,” said the official.
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