New set of methods of regional development assessment have been implemented, - Hennadii Zubko

Decentralisation is aimed at achieving a single goal that is human potential development. From now on, the socio-economic development of regions will be measured by two main indicators – the regional human development index and competitiveness index. The Government has approved the appropriate set of methods for calculating regional competitiveness and regional human development indices. Accordingly, we have improved the system for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of implementation of the State Strategy of Regional Development for the period up to 2020, commented Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services, on the governmental approval of the regulations “Some issues of improving the system of monitoring and assessment of the effectiveness of the state regional policy implementation” and “On amendments to the State Strategy of Regional Development for the period until 2020”.

According to him, the first document confirms the set of methods which for the first time defines the concept of competitiveness of the region as an ability to create an attractive and stable environment for enterprises, as well as favourable and comfortable conditions for its residents.

“The calculation of the regional human development index is carried out in three directions: long and healthy life, wellbeing and decent work, education. The set of methods for calculating regional competitiveness indices (RCI) envisages standardisation of indicators and application of weight coefficients in accordance with the level of development of the region. The data from the state and industry statistics, as well as survey data, is the source of information for calculating RCI,” Zubko remarked.

The second approved document improves the monitoring and assessment system of the effectiveness of implementation of the State Strategy of Regional Development for the period up to 2020, provides timely identification of regional development problems and increases the quality of managerial decisions.

20.12.2017 - 12:35 | Views: 12400
New set of methods of regional development assessment have been implemented, - Hennadii Zubko


H.Zubko regional development


Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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