Canadian Ukrainian Daniel Bilak, Head of the Ukraine Investment Promotion Office under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, talks on how Ukraine can overcome the whole world.
Out of four sessions of the 2nd All-Ukrainian Forum of Amalgamated Hromadas, held on 4 December in Kyiv, the discussion of the investment climate and investment attraction sparked considerable interest of the audience. Particular attention was paid to the speech of Daniel Bilak, Head of Ukraine Investment Promotion Office under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Investment Adviser to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, and ethnic Ukrainian who was born and raised in Canada.
“Before we were able to attract new investors to Ukraine, we had to solve a lot of problems of existing investors,” said Daniel Bilak. “And only due to this step we managed to attract USD 700 million to Ukraine. Now we are attracting another USD 500 million. The problems faced by investors were different: those with law enforcement agencies, local authorities, and various bodies of the central executive power...”
According to Mr Bilak, most financial investments of Western investors in any country are scared away by corruption and war. Thus, the Ukrainian brand is problematic. The Ukraine Investment Promotion Office decided to “promote the brands of the regions.”
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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