Marcin Zawadka, mayor of the one of the richest gminas in Poland, tells how the hromada can make money by establishing cooperation with entrepreneurs
Author: Dmytro Synyak
There were many foreign guests at the 2nd Forum of Amalgamated Hromadas held in Kyiv on 4 December, but the speech of Marcin Zawadka, mayor of a small rural gmina of the Plotsk district of the Mazovian Voivodship in central Poland, appeared to be the most memorable. Firstly, Mr Zawadka was probably the youngest one in the company of gray-haired representatives of international donors and distinguished experts. Secondly, he spoke energetically and quickly, and seemed to be able to say over sixty words in a minute. Besides, he spoke to the point. had a unique chance to interview Marcin Zawadka on the sidelines of the Forum. As the speech of the Polish mayor was devoted to community mini-projects as an effective instrument for territories’ development, we talked mainly about investments.
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