On 26 March 2025, in Kyiv, the Polaris Programme “Supporting Multilevel Governance in Ukraine” held the conference “Recovery in Action: Evidence-Based Local Planning.” During the event, Memoranda of Partnership were signed with 13 hromadas from 7 oblasts, the programme’s approach to collaboration was presented, and the next steps for implementing the partnerships were defined. The “Locally-led Recovery” initiative focuses on hromadas that have been directly affected by the war.
Serhii Sukhomlyn, Head of the State Agency for Restoration and Development:
“The future of hromadas is shaped by people – their engagement, trust, and actions. I am pleased to welcome the hromadas working on their future. People often ask: when is the right time for this? The answer is simple – when there is time and demand. Even during war, it is crucial to dream and act – to bring people back, rebuild hromadas, and ensure a dignified life in a successful country. I sincerely thank the proactive hromadas and our Swedish partners who have been supporting Ukraine for many years.”
Polaris support will be tailored to the needs of each hromada, considering different approaches to comprehensive and integrated planning. The focus will be on resilience, sustainable development, and gradual integration with European approaches and standards.
Adam Amberg, Head of the Reform Support Section at the Embassy of Sweden in Ukraine, Head of Sida in Ukraine:
“Recovery and reform are closely interconnected and together support Ukraine’s ultimate goal of EU integration. Achieving this goal requires effective cooperation among governance structures at the national, regional, and local levels. Sida aims to support Polaris partner hromadas not only institutionally, but also by mobilizing additional financial mechanisms — such as funding recovery projects through the Nordic Green Bank (NEFCO). Together, we will help Ukraine not just rebuild, but thrive.”
Following an in-depth study of local experiences, the Polaris Programme will cooperate with national-level partners to develop policies and scale up best recovery practices.
Olena Shuliak, Head of the Parliamentary Committee on State Governance, Local Self-Government, Regional Development, and Urban Planning:
“A hromada’s capacity begins with quality planning. It is impossible to rely on urban planning documents created back in 1968 or 1976. It is also impossible to function without a development strategy, as it limits opportunities for both residents and businesses. Therefore, the key measure of a hromada’s capacity will be its readiness to plan its activities and future growth. On this path, we are grateful to our partners, particularly the Swedish-Ukrainian Polaris Programme, for their support. We hope this is just the first step, and even more hromadas will join this collaboration in the future.”
Following the signing of the Memoranda, hromada representatives worked with Polaris experts to coordinate the first steps in implementing the partnerships.
The “Locally-led Recovery” direction is implemented in partnership with and under the advisory support of the Ministry for Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.
A list of selected hromadas can be accessed via the provided link.
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