Collaboration That Makes a Difference: National Associations Unite for a Common Vision

On 27 March 2025, in Kyiv, the Polaris Programme "Supporting Multilevel Governance in Ukraine" signed Memoranda of Cooperation with national associations of local self-government: the All-Ukrainian Association of Amalgamated Territorial Hromadas, the All-Ukrainian Association of Hromadas, and the Ukrainian Association of District and Regional Councils.

Ryan Knox, Managing Director at SALAR International:

“As the implementing agency of an international project of the Swedish Association of Local and Regional Authorities, it is natural for us to cooperate with sister organizations. During the development of the Polaris Programme, we deliberately chose the path to invite all national associations in Ukraine for our collaboration, which makes today’s signing of the agreements a truly important step for us. Our main goal is to support the institutional development of these associations so that they can more effectively fulfil their core mission: to strengthen the capacity and improve the conditions for their members.”



This cooperation will take place within the initiative “Association Dialogue as the Basis for Multilevel Governance”, which aims to foster stronger collaboration between associations to ensure more effective representation of community interests.

Volodymyr Kuchma, Head of the All-Ukrainian Association of Hromadas, Head of Kipti Village Council:

“The interaction between national associations of local self-government is crucial for properly representing and defending the interests of hromadas and regions at the national level. It contributes to building resilient hromadas that tackle daily challenges. Today, it is vital for associations to have expert resources that allow them to formulate legislative priorities and a consolidated stance. This way, we can exert a stronger influence on decision-makers and effectively safeguard community interests.”



A joint platform for national associations will facilitate the consolidation of their positions on urgent issues, the mobilisation of resources, and the strengthening of local self-governance resilience and capacity.

Serhii Levchuk, Head of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Association of District and Regional Councils:

“Our cooperation with the Polaris Programme is more than just a partnership – it is a strategic step towards strengthening local self-governance in Ukraine. We see Polaris as a reliable ally that not only shares our vision for decentralisation but also actively supports our efforts to improve governance efficiency at the local level. Working with Polaris is an investment in Ukraine’s future, where local self-governance plays a key role in recovery and development. We believe that sustainable development begins at the local level, and our joint efforts with Polaris will help achieve this goal.”



The Polaris Programme is implemented in Ukraine by SALAR International, representing the Swedish Association of Local and Regional Authorities (SALAR). Since 2018, SALAR International has supported the All-Ukrainian Association of Amalgamated Territorial Communities, playing a significant role in its establishment and development.

“Given the challenges we face today, signing a Memorandum of Cooperation with Polaris is a crucial step that opens new opportunities for strengthening community capacity and enhancing cooperation across different levels of government. We are grateful to SALAR for their long-standing support and look forward to developing our partnership within the Polaris Programme”, stated Volodymyr Mitsuk, Deputy Head of the All-Ukrainian Association of Amalgamated Territorial Hromadas, Head of the Cherkasy Regional Branch of the Association, Leader of the “Social Protection and Cohesion” Platform, Head of Bilozirsk hromada.



Following the signing of the Memoranda, association representatives began working on a joint action plan focused on key priorities:

Local Budgets & Public Investment Management Reform

The primary goal of this reform is to allocate limited financial resources towards priority projects that align with hromada recovery and development needs. A methodology for selecting hromada projects for further funding will be developed using the DREAM digital platform. This reform will oversee the distribution of 20% of the grant funding allocated for hromada and regional development under the Ukraine Facility fund.

Adhering to EU Gender-Responsive Budgeting Standards in Ukraine

An essential aspect of project selection for international and state funding is ensuring that outcomes align with gender equality principles. Furthermore, this principle is naturally reflected in local policies, which are built on inclusivity, civic engagement, and equal access to local government services for all residents.


27.03.2025 - 12:40 | Views: 445
Collaboration That Makes a Difference: National Associations Unite for a Common Vision


international support asotsiatsii OMS


the Polaris Programme

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