Claudia Luciani, Director of the Congress, reviewed with Ukrainian partners and media the findings of a recent opinion poll on multilevel governance reforms. The survey reaffirmed that decentralisation remains Ukraine’s most popular reform since its introduction in 2014.
The findings underscore the public’s continued support for local authorities, highlighting their pivotal role in Ukraine’s resilience in wartime and its recovery and reconstruction.
“The results of the survey confirm the importance citizens place on decentralisation and highlight the continued relevance of the Council of Europe's support in Ukraine. It is crucial in ensuring that Ukraine's governance framework is built on a strong foundation aligned with European standards,” underlined Claudia Luciani.
“Such surveys serve as a guide for the Parliament. Society voices its demands, and we must recognise these requests and respond to them. This year's survey showed that, for the most part, we correctly assessed the situation in local self-government, although some issues will need to be adjusted. I believe, in particular, that a positive signal in this research is that people prioritise supporting combatants, rather than road construction or urban development,” noted First Vice Speaker of the Parliament Oleksandr Kornienko.
The opinion poll was commissioned by the Centre of Expertise for Multilevel Governance (CEMG) and carried out by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology in September – November 2024. This is already the 8th such study since 2015 enabling Ukrainian authorities not only to survey public opinion and its dynamics but to adjust their national policies and reforms.
The highlights of the findings:
The survey, conducted via telephone, gathered insights from over 3,000 respondents, representative sample of the adult population (18+) in territories under Ukrainian government control as of February 23, 2022.
The survey did not include individuals from territories occupied before Russian Federation’s invasion of 2022 – such as parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. However, it did encompass areas temporarily occupied after February 24, 2022 and liberated by Ukrainian armed forces.
The full version of the report is available in Ukrainian.
The opinion poll was commissioned by the Council of Europe within the Programme “Strengthening Good Democratic Governance and Resilience in Ukraine”, which is implemented by the CEMG at the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” 2023-2026.
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