On March 15, 2024, a new modern Administrative Service Center (ASC), was opened in the Dobrianska hromada of Chernihiv Oblast, which will provide services to more than 4,000 residents from 21 hromada settlements near the Belarusian border. Located in the premises of the Dobrianska Village Council, the ASC provides convenient conditions for the residents to receive services, taking into account the needs of different groups of people, including people with disabilities.
The Center offers 116 services, including civil registration services, veteran services, residence registration, social and local services, issuance of permits and various certificates. The ASC is staffed by 6 employees, 2 of whom are located at remote workplaces in Oleshnya and Novi Yarylovychi villages.
The total sum for the renovation of theASC premises amounted to UAH 2,462 thousand, including UAH 2,059 thousand from the state budget and UAH 403 thousand from the local budget. The hromada has also received crisis support from the PROSTO project to resume service provision.
The official opening of the ASC was attended by Andriy Popyk, head of the Chernihiv District State Administration, and Ivan Vashchenko, deputy head of the Chernihiv Oblast State Administration.
Svitlana Bytsko, head of the Dobrianska hromada: "For us, the opening of the ASC is more than just about providing quality and accessible services. It also symbolizes our resilience and our belief in victory. We will keep improving the quality and range of services, bringing them closer to the residents. Despite the high risks from external threats, with the support of reliable partners like the PROSTO project, we are making steady progress. Thank you for standing with us in difficult times!”
Institutional and methodological support for the establishment of the Center was provided by the Swedish-Ukrainian project PROSTO "Support to Services Accessibility in Ukraine".
Чернігівська областьГромади:
Добрянська територіальна громадаSource:
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