Embroidery from the Ukrainian Carpathians: how Ust-Putylska community created its own workshop

Marynychi is a small village at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level. Tourists come here to walk along the legendary Cheremosh River, see the Frog Stone and the old wooden church. On holidays, the whole village gathers here, and everyone is always wearing a vyshyvanka! The culture of Ukrainian embroidery is preserved here and passed down from generation to generation.

So which project did Ust-Putylska community choose to strengthen local economic development? Of course, a sewing and embroidery workshop. The USAID DOBRE Program helped purchase expensive and high-quality equipment. Since the community's budget is limited, the residents rallied together and took over all the repairs. Now people don't have to travel far to get their clothes repaired. In addition, this opens up many opportunities for the community: embroidered souvenirs for tourists, patches for firefighters, and just the opportunity to sew curtains for the community center or repair their own clothes.

Watch the video to find out how the community managed to set up the workshop and how it works now.



The video was created in partnership with shotam.info and commissioned by Ukraine Crisis Media Center under the USAID DOBRE Program. The series of videos shows how communities can earn money and make the most of their opportunities.


international support business


Чернівецька область


Усть-Путильська територіальна громада


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