How a municipality has turned its unkempt lands into a berry cluster to export its produce abroad

The Prylisnenska municipality of the Volyn oblast has engaged in berry production and involved the first investors. Currently almost 20% of the municipality population is busy with growing berries and land lease profits make it possible for the local authorities to ensure kindergartens and the leisure centre functioning. This is the result of the first stages of the development strategy, created within the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

According to Oleksiy Hnatyuk, deputy head of the village, several factors triggered the berry cluster creation: the favourable location, local residents’ wish and experience, the territory increase as a result of decentralisation.

«We have combined powerful resources and an extraordinary human potential. It should be used properly. In addition, the local population has been willing to go into business and berry production for a long time. We had no doubts. Moreover, our land is unique: over 65% of the municipality is covered by forests, and such a region is perfect for growing berries», — emphasized Mr. Hnatyuk.


participation of citizens business


Волинська область


Прилісненська територіальна громада


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