Why should municipalities involve people in decision making? Why do not all the mechanisms work? How does publicity serve as motivation for efficient work? How to create the perfect mechanism of involvement?
"We are the authorities here. We know everything" is a common mistake by local authorities’ representatives, persistently refusing from citizens’ involvement tools. Sometimes they consider that the information they get via ten people is sufficient for them, and they know what to do without people’s opinions. However, the local authorities’ task is to deliver quality services. But how is it possible to find out without people’s opinion which services are needed in a municipality and are they delivered qualitatively? Moreover, thanks to residents’ involvement the municipality authorities can define where to move further, - thinks Anna Tovstukha, a DOBRE USAID Programme public involvement specialist.
12 February 2025
Пирятинська громада завдяки проєкту ЄС зміцнила свою стійкість та спроможність
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11 February 2025
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11 February 2025
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20 January 2025
На своєму місці. Випуск 8. Як Житомир вибудовує свою енергетичну стійкість
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