Creating safe, comfortable and attractive habitat. Best practice of Bila Tserkva city council


In 2020 the practice “Smart Green Bila Tserkva” won the Contest “Best Practices of Local Self-Government” (the second-degree Diploma).

The modern city must effectively manage greenery, plan, and carry out landscaping work. Bila Tserkva has created an innovative interactive map of green areas in the city – “Smart Green Bila Tserkva” – an online portal of greenery in the city. The system allows adding and updating data for each object of greenery. On the map, users can see the “passport” of a tree: species, age, condition, and a photo. It allows to easily add any tree to the register, and it helps to develop current and long-term landscaping plans.

Bila Tserkva municipality created an innovative interactive map of green areas in the city – “Smart Green Bila Tserkva”. This map is available on both personal computers and as a smartphone application. Local authorities actively involve citizens in landscaping activities to jointly make the community more comfortable for everyone.

The creation of such an information resource was preceded by several events: the signing of a memorandum of co-operation with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation Ukraine and Belarus on joint activities to develop effective smart solutions in the field of ecology; development of a software product “Smart Green Bila Tserkva” and mobile application.

The Concept of landscaping of the city was developed based on the analytical materials of “Smart Green Bila Tserkva”.

Applications for the Contest “Best Practices of Local Self-Government” 2021 should be submitted before 30 September 2021, more information is here.

03.09.2021 - 18:02 | Views: 5845

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