Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) has initiated a dialogue between all the parties, able to contribute to the solution of the quality water supply problem in Ukraine.
Despite the technical progress and high tech development, access to such an ordinary thing as water is complicated for many Ukrainians. In villages it is much more aggravated than in towns and cities.
Global Aims for Sustainability by the UNO having been implemented for more than fifteen years, Ukraine has failed to experience considerable improvement of water supply coverage of the rural areas. That is why Swiss-Ukrainian Project DESPRO, having implemented more than 200 various projects in the sphere and built more than 1000 km water supply networks in Ukrainian villages, initiated a dialogue between all those who might be involved in the «water» problem solution.
At the beginning of December the dialogue took place under the title «Potable water and discharge treatment in small hromadas. What must the state policy in the sphere be like?». During the event project experts presented the Strategic Proposition concerning Water Supply and Discharge Treatment Policy in Hromadas of Ukraine
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