A hromada becomes digital not due to technologies or tools, although, they are also necessary. A digital hromada is the people, understanding the importance of introducing technologies and innovations, simplifying life, improving and developing the hromada. It is a permanent dialogue between the governmental agencies and residents, assisting in defining the development priorities and tackling problems, whereas digital tools and infrastructure make the process simpler and more affordable!
That is why the Swiss-Ukrainian EGAP Programme has launched the Digital Hromadas project. So far there have been selected 10 pilot hromadas in 5 target regions (Vinnytsia, Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Luhansk and Odesa regions). Within the project a digital audit and target research have been made for the purpose of defining the available resources of each hromada, its strengths and weaknesses, as well as development opportunities and challenges, the hromada may face while developing digitally.
After that, jointly with a hromada, the digital development concept and plan are developed, defining a systemic and consistent introduction of digital tools for the hromada to develop sustainably. Under the project, a digital hromada is a modern, efficient and successful hromada, where digitalization is considered to be a means of achieving targets rather than an end in itself.
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