New rayons: the bill is being worked over

«The Bill on the Administrative and Territorial Arrangement at the Sub-Regional (Rayon) Level must be clear, represent a list of new rayons with their configuration but shouldn’t interfere in the issues of the territorial power arrangement locally, authority and resources division, etc. Such issues must be solved in other regulations. Currently the main task is to approve a new administrative and territorial arrangement, based on rayons and hromadas for local elections to be held on the new territorial basis, in less than six months», - claimed Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, during a video conference, dedicated to considering propositions of reforming the Sub-Regional (Rayon) Level of the territorial power arrangement of Ukraine.

30.04.2020 - 17:59 | Views: 10459
New rayons: the bill is being worked over


rayon V.Nehoda


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