President of Ukraine instructs to complete decentralisation and hold local elections on a new territorial basis

"Immediate completion of the decentralisation process, including amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine regarding the transfer of real powers, finances and resources to the local level."

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy instructed the Government and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to complete the fundamental reform  - the reform of local self-government and territorial organisation of power. The Head of State announced the key tasks during a meeting with the leadership of the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers and law enforcement agencies on 2 September.

Among the tasks:

  • Immediate completion of the decentralisation process, including amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine regarding the transfer of real powers, finances and resources to the local level;
  • Completion of sector decentralisation, bringing services closer to each community, ensuring their quality;
  • Determine the final rules for the formation of the state administrative and territorial system;
  • Fix the boundaries of each administrative and territorial unit;
  • Complete amalgamation of territorial communities;
  • Reform local executive bodies, which, among other things, will control the legitimacy of decisions of newly formed local self-government bodies;
  • Hold local elections on a new territorial basis.

The deadline for implementation of these tasks is 2019-2020.

02.09.2019 - 13:20 | Views: 42501
President of Ukraine instructs to complete decentralisation and hold local elections on a new territorial basis


novyi etap


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