Vyshnivetska hromada: transparent authorities – transparent business

The Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) and decentralisation.gov.ua brought another interesting story from the hromada famous for its Small Versailles.

The Vyshnivetska hromada in the Ternopil Oblast has interesting practices in creating favourable conditions for local business development. This is precisely what makes it qualitatively different. Here they built a partnership between the authorities and business. They are working together to unshadow the local economy and overcome the “salary in envelope” phenomenon. Business representatives told us that the hromada often conducts free trainings for them and those wishing to start their own business. It will promote self-employment of the population, creation of jobs. And the people we met in the AH appreciate it. Moreover, hromada’s business entities are now willing to pay taxes because they see where the AH is spending them – primarily, at social infrastructure restoration.

More information about the hromada: https://decentralization.ua/groma...

More hromadas’ success stories: https://decentralization.ua/succe...





Тернопільська область


Вишнівецька територіальна громада


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