Indians to build solar power plant in Buky
According to settlement head Serhii Zalizniak, a solar power station of 22 hectares will be built in Buky of the Mankivka Rayon.
“After amalgamation we gave an advert,” says Serhii Zalizniak. “We invited all investors to cooperate. Indians responded. They came here, looked at the place. They liked that a high-voltage transmission line is passing alongside. In total there will be 2 plots of 11 hectares each. Indians promise that by the end of summer the power plant will give the first current. I do not know the amount of investments, but I think it is quite big.”
According to the settlement head, a new enterprise will employ 13 local residents.
“People will have a job and an official salary. They will not move to work in Poland, but will have jobs at home. Land lease payments and personal income tax will be directed to the AH budget.”
Serhii Zalizniak wants to unite local beekeepers as well.
“Our beekeepers sell honey indicidually, in small batches and have very modest earnings, while resellers earn well. We want to unite beekeepers in the "Buky Honey" cooperative. They will have the brand, packaging and labels of their product. This will greatly increase both their revenue and sales.”
The settlement of Buky is famous for its canyon on the Hirsky Tikych river. During the year it is visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists.

Черкаська областьГромади:
Буцька селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Буцька територіальна громадаSource:
Вечірні Черкаси

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