Volodymyr Groysman: We are changing the philosophy of work of the healthcare sector and provide incentives for doctors to improve performance

The reform of the healthcare system pursued by the Government of Ukraine continues, and it yields initial results: the philosophy of work organisation of the branch, the principles of financing, and doctors’ motivation are changing, stated Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman during an All-Ukrainian Meeting on the Transformation of the Healthcare System, which takes place in Vinnytsia.

The city and the oblast are now among the leaders of change. Before the meeting, the Head of Government visited an ordinary family outpatient clinic in Vinnytsia, one of the first establishments to sign cooperation agreements with the National Health Service of Ukraine. The doctors of this outpatient clinic have already concluded almost 32.000 declarations with patients, and this has become a key factor in increasing their wages - up to UAH 14.500 on average. In addition, the clinic got an opportunity to finance the purchase of the necessary equipment, medicines.

When appealing to the physicians participating in the all-Ukrainian meeting, Volodymyr Groysman noted that hospitals could be lucrative and, therefore, provide substantially higher quality medical services.

"The quality of healthcare services needs to improve. The working conditions and wages of doctors should improve as well", said Volodymyr Groysman.

The Prime Minister reminded that in the draft budget for 2019, the healthcare sector financing has increased by UAH 15 billion as compared to 2018. The money will be directed to prolong the reform at the primary level, pass on to diagnostics funded according to the new principles, transform the emergency medicine and further build up a network of cardiology centres. In this regard, the Head of Government reminded that the timely adoption of the budget will allow smooth and timely implementation of all plans.

Meanwhile, Volodymyr Groysman noted that it is crucial to adopt and introduce strategic decisions not only at the central level, but at the local level as well.

"The hospitals are now owned by hromadas. And they have all the tools to create normal conditions in hospitals. I urge local authorities to invest in the quality of healthcare services", stressed Volodymyr Groysman. "We are pursuing decentralisation in order to provide a new quality of life for people. And healthcare sector is the topmost priority here."


16.11.2018 - 14:12 | Views: 10475
Volodymyr Groysman: We are changing the philosophy of work of the healthcare sector and provide incentives for doctors to improve performance


Volodymyr Groysman healthcare


Вінницька область


Урядовий портал

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