15 March 2025
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There have already been 993 hub schools in Ukraine, with almost half of them being located in AHs There have already been 993 hub schools in Ukraine, with almost half of them being located in AHs
Hub school as the basic AH educational centre - Vinnytsia LGDC created a model of effective network of educational institutions Hub school as the basic AH educational centre - Vinnytsia LGDC created a model of effective network of educational institutions
Modern school of Solonyanska hromada Modern school of Solonyanska hromada
Pupils of Sofiyivka school will soon have a new stadium Pupils of Sofiyivka school will soon have a new stadium
Over 30 hub schools being updated in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Over 30 hub schools being updated in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast
Why do people escape from villages and how can it be changed by school? Why do people escape from villages and how can it be changed by school?
What should teacher’s Terms of Reference be like? What should teacher’s Terms of Reference be like?
“Tell me at least one school that saved the village …” “Tell me at least one school that saved the village …”
Petrykivka’s hub school and local art preservation Petrykivka’s hub school and local art preservation
New educational space is being created in Sofiyivka secondary school New educational space is being created in Sofiyivka secondary school
Additional 367 hub schools in one and a half years: main messages of governmental meeting with regions on decentralisation of education Additional 367 hub schools in one and a half years: main messages of governmental meeting with regions on decentralisation of education
Liliya Hrynevych: 25% of labour population in cities of oblast significance and AHs work in educational sector Liliya Hrynevych: 25% of labour population in cities of oblast significance and AHs work in educational sector
В об’єднаних громадах легше вирішувати проблеми освіти – представник Хмельницької ОДА
Медіатека, буккросинг, релакс-зона: учні Петриківської опорної школи вже більше місяця навчаються в нових умовах (ФОТОРЕПОРТАЖ) Медіатека, буккросинг, релакс-зона: учні Петриківської опорної школи вже більше місяця навчаються в нових умовах (ФОТОРЕПОРТАЖ)
Геннадій Зубко відкрив опорну школу на Донеччині Геннадій Зубко відкрив опорну школу на Донеччині