Over 30 hub schools being updated in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

More than 30 hub schools are being renovated and updated in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast to create modern and comfortable educational environment for children.

“We are now constructing kindergartens, reconstructing hospitals, and repairing schools due to additional financial resources received from decentralisation. We are creating modern educational space in more than 30 schools of the region”, the press service quoted Valentyn Reznichenko, head of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Administration.

Every hub school located in the rural area will transform from a gray, unsightly building into the modern, bright and comfortable environment for children’s education.

Currently, reconstruction is under way in the Mahdalynivka, Ilarionove, Lykhiska and the largest Sofiyivka hub schools. In particular, the Lykhivka hub school, сщтіекгсеув 40 years ago, had no overhaul at all.

“The current repairs could not save a building, it was slowly destroyed. The angle of the school began to sink, and cracks came along the wall. The heating system should have been replaced. In the cold season, the temperature in the classes was sometimes only 15 degrees,” said Larysa Derid, director of the school. “And, finally, we achieved it. Our school will become of a European model.”

Contractors continue to change windows, heal the facade and repair the gym. Subsequently, corridors and classes will be updated. Along with establishment, the stadium modernisation is being carried out. Under the project, there will be basketball and volleyball courts, training simulators, a football field with artificial surface, and running tracks. The project is envisaged for two years.

As it was informed in the press-service of the Oblast State Administration, over 70 educational establishments have been repaired in the oblast over 3 years. They became warmer, more modern and cozier.


20.08.2018 - 10:03 | Views: 11607
Over 30 hub schools being updated in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast


hub school education


Дніпропетровська область



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